It’s my bday and I got quite a bad news from Amet that the human resource dept (SaudiKayan)needs the original bith certificates (me & anak2) + original sijil nikah to process the yellowslip.
Pulak… Hmm..yg ni mmg mcm tak percaya. Before this ThinkPlus told us that they (SaudiKayan) only needs the copy of all those certs. So itu je lah yg Amet bawak masa dia nk depart dulu.
Lagipun copy-copy tu semua dh certified true copy. And furthermore, yg diorang nak sgt original certs tu buat hapa? Ada ko paham bahasa melayu ke??? Adehhh….
And I terus call ThinkPlus to confirm on this, and they still say TAK perlu the original ones!
Yet, since Saudi Kayan still insist to have them, I will send to Amet. Luckily, one of Amet’s friend is coming back to Malaysia tomorrow. Tapi, yg sedihnya…he will only go back to Jubail on july 24th. Ohhhh….lambatnyaaa….that is 11 days from now! Ohh sungguh membazirkan masa!
Tapi kalau I nak pos, or courier pun mcm tak berapa confident jek.dahla sijil2 tu kalau hilang ke misplace ke hapa, mmg parah la nk buat balik.
Gitulah masalahnya keja dgn arab ni, they don’t have a very clear guidelines, or handbooks, or SOP. Emmpphhhhhhhh……..
YA ALLAH…Permudahkanlah urusan kami ini Ya Allah….kami pohon agar semuanya berjalan lancar dan cepat diselesaikan…
Dan mintak2 la kawan Amet tu betul-betul dapat sampaikan certs tu kat dia..bukan apa, risau jugak kirim mengirim ni. Pohon perlindungan Allah agar semuanya selamat tiba n selamat diuruskan…