Sunday, January 16, 2011


I think the day has been too-oo short now, as it getting dark very fast and Maghrib's azan can be heard at 5 pm. (Oh, anyway, I heard now beberapa tempat kat Malaysia azan dh tak boleh dipasang kuat2 kt speaker masjid? Really that bad negaraku tercinta???)

Kdg2 I ada jugak fikir lawak bodoh : so nk panggil pukul 5 ptg ke 5 malam? Hehehe... and Isyak is at 6.30pm. So 6.30 malam lah, isn't it?

And terus terang je lah kan, with the weather yg getting colder this few days, plus it's cloudy n a bit hazy, hmmm... mmg hibernation is the best thing to do lah! Plus, it is so-o-o cozy to be under the duvet, apa lagi nak kata... berbungkus jek mcm hantu bungkus! By the way, I just got myself the "Jubah Bulu" yg sgt comfy n make me warm. Just beli kt tepi2 jalan kt highway tu je....So bila bangun pagi tak la ketaq menggigil dan mengerekot sampai sakit urat lagi.

But then, for me nih sebenarnya, mana ada masa nk berbungkus lama-lama. Baru jek nk duduk rehat jap, dh ada yg menjerit.

"Bu..!!! A lo.. kakak ni...num..." (Ibu, nk milo. kakak ni minum adik punya)

"Bu..kakak nk *kongkong krunch." (*Coco Crunch)

"Bu! Cepat ambik pampers! Kakak nk berak ni!!!"

"Bu..pah ni...air..." (Ibu, air tumpah ni)

"Bu...kakak lapar la.."

Hmmm.... musim sejuk ke, panas ke. Ibu tetap kena "on-call" tiap-tiap hari. And sejuk2 mcm ni, time ibu tgh malas2 ni lah.... request for food increase! Nak tak nak...masak je laa...

Popia pisang - dalam dia letak setengah biji pisang dan balut lah dgn kulit popia. Sgt sedap sbb bila goreng, pisang tu jadi almost melt, while kulit dia pulak crispy. Yummy!!! Mesti cuba. Sgt2 senang nak buat sesuai utk org malas mcm I

Ni resepi hentam keromo. Yg ni I letak telur. Maybe next time x letak telur dh kot, sbb mcm jadik kureng sikit rasa cheese tu, masked by the eggs. And black pepper pun mcm terlebih skt, so budak2 mkn sikit jek ibu yg mkn banyak.

Buah-buahan wajib sentiasa ada khas utk Puteri Yaya. Musim sejuk nih buah2 agak murah sikit.

Gambar hiasan : muka-muka yg sentiasa kelaparan dan tak reti kenyang.... :-)