Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ok now, almost everybody here is talking about this brave, brainy young lady, Manal Al-Sharif.

Okeh, to cut it short, she's a saudi woman yg sgt berani held a campaign for women to drive! Yeeaaahhhh!!!!! Of course I sokong 500%. Even I hv thought in mind, if I do have somebody to take care of my kids, I would definitely join the campaign!

Malangnya, during the day they have the campaign, Manal was caught! Alaaa...... biasalah u know..polis2 arab nih semua style ego, berlagak tetapi sgt stupid, tangkap tak bertempat, suka hati kepala dia nk tahan org tanpa sebarang usul periksa. (sory, mmg sgt byk caci maki di sini). Lagi-lagi lah bila kaum ladies yg lebih bijak pandai cuba bersuara, lagi lah depa dengki!!!

But then, after few days disoal siasat mmg tak terjumpa la gamaknya kesalahan berat si Manal ni, so terpaksalah dia di released.... Alhamdulillah....

Here's the Wikipedia of Manal's and the News and another News of the release. And if you are interested to read more 'bout Saudi's life, here's the real Saudi woman's blog. (I punya blog nih "arab" celup jek hehehhe...)

Cuma yg I tak puas hati, kenapa sangat lah gov saudi nih susah teramat sangat nk bagi pompuan drive kat sini. Ya lah despite of risaukan keselamatan isteri/anak perempuan mereka, they also have to think about the emergency situation kan. Ya la maybe most of the saudis yg kaya raya tak risau sgt since they always have their chauffeur. Tapi, for us golongan rakyat bertaraf biasa nih mcmana??? If let say my kids are so sick, and my husband cannot be reached, hah???? Nak nganga jek kat rumah????

Lagipun, utk pergi membeli-belah barang2 wanita seperti mekap, kasut, handbag yg setiap satunya harus dibelek-belek dgn teliti selama 3-4 jam adalah menimbulkan ketidakselesaan apabila anda ditemani oleh seorang lelaki di sini. Ouuuchhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh "our" beloved king, please lah listen to "your" women's heart...... WE REALLY NEED TO DRIVE!!!!!!!!!! Huwaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!