Sunday, June 19, 2011


We arrived home safely at about 11 pm. I mean without anybody puke or poops in the plane.

I started my laundry job right-away we stepped into the house. Not so happy that I've to overcome the rotten smell of the kids' clothes. Errkkk...

Until the next day, Zuzu & Yaya dah fully stop vomiting. And their fever also down. The only thing still worrying me is that their diarhea are getting worse. It was the day of countless diapers-changing, and I was totally exhausted with the toilet runs all day.

Both of them still playful as I tried my best to keep them hydrated with various types of liquids - water, soup, teh-o-kosong and mild juices except milk. Nasib baik lah they just drink whatever I put in their mouth. Yet, they refused to eat. Maybe tak ada appetite due to fever yesterday.

Bila Amet balik keja, he took us to Lulu Hospital since dia pun mmg nak ke Mobily centre kat sana to renew the internet subscription. The paed took their stool sample and asked us to collect result in 5 days. However, dia still bagi ubat to relieve their stomach pain.


Kisah internet pulak, from hospital we straight away headed to Mobily. Unfortunately there was a note on the door "Sorry, we are close today for maintenance." Adehhh.........

Disebabkan we're really in need of internet (you wont believe the reason, i will tell later hahahha...), so encik Amet yg sangat rajin telah mensurvey for new package. Oh, i forgot to tell, besides the expiry issue, our modem also tak boleh power ON. So he thought that the modem might be already rosak, so better terus buy a new one.

Maka, pulanglah kami dgn hati yg girang utk berinternet ria di rumah, tanpa menyedari that "sky is not always blue..." hahahha....