Saturday, June 18, 2011


Dipendekkan cerita, we manage to catch the flight. Maka sampailah kami ke Tanah Haram pada hampir waktu Zohor.

This time, beside to perform our humble Umrah, kami jugak akan berjumpa dgn Mak tok (my MIL), Umie (my SIL) Ayah long (biras), and Unyang (my grandmother in-law) yg datang beberapa hari yg lalu bersama rombongan Umrah dari Malaysia.

Disebabkan planning kali ini agak last minute, our favourite hotel Al- Massa telah pun fully-booked. Since we’re looking for near-to-masjid-hotel, we have not so many choices. And dalam banyak2 tu yg paling murah pun adalah Hilton which is actually not very murah to be exact, sebab it’s peak season (cuti sekolah). Tapi, memikirkan anak-anak kecik yg kdg2 nak kena tukar pampers n bancuh susu, close one eye and the Hilton we chose.

Actually, mmg kami tak berniat utk memilih hotel yg terover selesa dan mewah. Bukan apa, takut best sgt dok dlm hotel sampai malas nk bangun berjalan ke masjid. Takut nanti niat nak pi beribadah jadi lain pulak.

So, bila dah katanya Hilton tu…mcm ni lah rupanya…..

Ada 3 beds, 3 sofas. So if u have big family mmg berbaloi-baloi lah.

The toiletteries... Crabtree & Evelyn (Paris Hilton's choice, maybe?)

View dari bilik - boleh nampak Masjidil Haram. Actually masa booking tu dapat yg view Kaabah. Tapi masa kami check-in, bilik tu tak siap lagi. Since anak2 dah mengamuk, so malas nk tunggu, just ambik je mana2 bilik.

Alhamdulillah, kami selamat menyempurnakan umrah jam 5 petang, dgn bantuan Umie menjaga anak-anak kat masjid. Then baru lah ke D’Saji utk mkn tengahari.

Orang mmg agak ramai time ni. Jemaah dari Malaysia pun sgt-sgt ramai sbb tgh cuti sekolah kt Malaysia...

Malamnya, selepas Isyak kami melepakkan diri bersama Umie n Mak tok di Safwa tower. Masa ni lah kakak mula menunjukkan symptom-symptom that she’s not feeling well. Dia tak mau makan or minum, but just lying on me. But I thought it’s just because dia baru bangun (she fall asleep masa Maghrib sampai kami nk keluar masjid tadi).


Keesokan harinya, kakak n adik start muntah2 dari Subuh dan seterusnya. Bermula time tu jugak, ibu mmg dah tak solat di masjid n jadik nurse je kat bilik.

And I pun dah tak sure berapa kali asyik call housekeeping mintak tukar bedsheet yg kena muntah and spray bilik yg bau masam giler tu.

Badan depa pulak sekejap panas, sekejap turun. All I can do was sponge-bath them, sekejap lap adik, sekejap lap kakak. While I let Amet go to masjid and do all the ibadahs (at least he can pray for the kids to get better).

Malamnya, badan makin panas. Plus they start to have diarrhea + vomitting + fever, which is not a very good sign. So I ajak Amet take them to the Ajyad Emergency Hospital (kt bawah Safwa Tower tu).

Rupa2nya hospital tu just layan pesakit dewasa sahaja. Kalau kanak2 kena pi hospital lain, and kena naik teksi from there. Ooohhhhh....

So, kami decide to keluar dan lepak jek kt perkarangan masjid tu. Well, at least we get some fresh air, and fresh view seeing the Masjidil Haram. If lest say they are getting worse by midnight, then baru lah we'll take them to hospital.

And Alhamdulillah, mmg the kids show some improvement bila kena angin luar instead of just staying in the room yg dah penuh bau muntah tu.

They have their breakfast in room, sebab masa bawak pi breakfast kat cafe tadi, kakak telah memuntahkan segala isi perutnya kat cafe... Huhuhuhu...

Alhamdulillah, they still wants to take some food. Walaupun lepas makan, keluar balik. But at least, better than nothing.

Adik hanya mahu berbaring n main game...

Kakak always be the lorat one....sangat kesian....

The last day tu, both of them nmpak mcm ada energy sikit. So after Subuh, ayah take care of them dalam bilik while ibu go to masjid and spend time sampai almost Zohor. Oh, I still dont want to miss the peace and serenity that you cant find in any other places in the world!

Then, I balik bilik to check if everything's fine. Bila Amet cakap the kids look ok, tak muntah, so we decided to take them for Zohor prayer kat masjid. Besides, that will be the last time to see maktok, ummie, ayahlong n unyang before we back home. Alhamdulillah, sepanjang ibu solat they really did well! Alhamdulillah....

And the kids spend their sweet time dgn umie n maktok while ibu n ayah buat Tawaf Wida'. Terima kasih tak terhingga kepada semua yg telah membantu menjaga adik & kakak semasa di Mekah ... Mau tak mau, we have to say farewell to maktok, umie and ayahlong...Sob sob sob.... Till we meet again... :'(