Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Straight to the point, I want to tell a real story about "complaint".

Last week we went to a restaurant in Khobar. Actually dh byk kali makan kt situ. Not that they serve the best or superdelicious food, but maybe itu lah antara beberapa restoran yg serve Asian food. Not so many choices we have here...

Kat dinding dia ada tampal note. Sounds lebih kurang mcm ni " If u have any complaint, please let us know, or write in our facebook page blablabla..." (Sepatutnya I snap gambar kan.) Nampak profesional. Hebat. Caring. Understanding.

Setiap kali pergi, mmg *tokei (after this will be read as "mamat kerek") dia akan tanya if the food is OK.
*Note : org cakap dia ni adik kpd tuan kedai tu. so not really the tokey lah. More like tokei-wanna-be?

Biasanya kitorang tak akan complaint if the food is slightly cold (which is selalu jugak happen), or slightly under-cooked, or apa2 benda yg agak kecik tu...mmg malas nk ambik port lah.

So it happen last weekend, ada 2 hal yg kitorang patut dikomplenkan.

1. Amet mintak ais kiub (sbb teh ais dia sgt x sejuk dan ais mencair apabila suhu air teh melebihi suhu ais). Tapi *mamat kerek tu cakap "Tunggu -tunggu... tunggu jap, sabar ek saya tgh sibuk nak angkat makanan ni" (translated. kot :))
Fine. Kami mmg boleh tunggu. But is that an appropriate answer to a customer?

2. Dah 2 kali I order *soup (bukan nama sebenar makanan itu hehehe), dan setiap kali itu rasanya manis. For me, it was SANGAT manis. and that * soup supposed to be a little bit sour & spicy (dah boleh guess ke apakah makanan itu hehehe). So masa nak bayar, kami komplen kepada mamat kerek tu and jawapan dia :
"Oh ye ke? selama ni takde orang komplen pun pasal *soup ni. Nampaknya abg sorang je yg citarasa lain. Kalau mcm tu saya tak boleh lah nak ubah rasa/resepi *soup ni sbb org lain semua ok, abg je yg komplen...."


My most concern here is "the way u treat a customer's complaint".

No matter how, masa kau menjawap pada customer tu muka harus tenang, senyum dan jawaplah dgn penuh berhemah. Lepas customer dh balik, then tak kisah la kau nak hangin, lepas geram baling lesung batu pun takpe. U got it young man???

FYI wahai mamat kerek, my aunt own the bestest *soup restaurant and that's the best, real original taste of the *soup and I will know if it doesn't taste the way it supposed to. That is why I made the complaint.

And one more pesanan to you, if u think u are not able to coupe with customer complaints, just tear off that stupid note from your damn wall!

Thank u & we will never return to ur restaurant anymore. Serve that rubbish to anyone else who dont know about *soup, but not me.

Balik rumah, masak Laksa Lemak Siam. Sendiri bikin, lagi sedap lagi puas hati,
boleh makan seperiuk.
*Resepi akan ditulis kemudian when I cooled down.