Thursday, January 17, 2013



Terkejutnya hari ni bila dapat tau salah seorang sahabat yg I kenali di Saudi dulu was diagnosed with leukimia. Dia salah seorang sahabat yg ketawa n menangis bersama suatu masa dulu. She is at same age with me. And yg paling2 kesian, she is currently pregnant!

I pray & I hope it is just a pregnancy anemia, and not leukimia. Harap sgt2 orang tersalah tulis or tersalah dengar or tersalah cakap or something..

Lately dapat few berita org diberi ujian yg hebat2 belaka. Sedara mara, kawan2 dan rakan sepejabat... My SIL is pregnant too and sedang diuji with great gift from Allah. We pray everyday for a miracle happen to keep the baby grow healthier and stronger, insya Allah...

My officemate, next to my cube, is having dengue fever for almost 1 week and she's also in quite critical condition. She is also a mother of 1 year old.

Being surrounded by these great people make me have stronger believes and remind me more - that Allah the Most Almighty and the Most Greatest of All. Nothing can compare nor against Him.

Semua ni buat I sedar, selama ni ingat I sorang je lah yg paling banyak masalah, yg paling byk menghadapi kesusahan, yg paling berat ujian. Tetapi mereka lebih hebat.

And this has come as a reminder to self-muhasabah. Am I already very well-prepared to have a final meeting with my Lord?