Banyak giler lah benda yg terjadi sejak I tidak mengupdet kt sini. Tapi hari nih nak cerita pasal mata dulu.
Ye, mata I ni haa… dah masuk 3 weeks sakit mata tak baik-baik. Well, its not too serious but tak selesa giler bila kena tang mata nih rupenye. Masa first kena tu mmg mata I merah menyala & bengkak macam tuan hantu raya! Hahaha. Dah la kena masa tgh bercuti kt kampong. Mmg sgt tak best. After that pakai ubat for few days, agak lega sikit but the reddish still continues walaupun semakin berkurangan. Tapi still tak betul2 complete putih until now. Oucchhh… sampai semalam, sambil2 bawak Aryana had her MMR vaccination, I pun jumpa doc sekali lagi (since Amet dh nk resign n today will be his last day, so semalam ialah the last day utk guna medical card itu..).
setelah diperiksa -> Oh rupanya salah cara pemakaian ubat! Sepatutnya the gel tu sapu kt dalam mata but I just applied on the outside. While the drops should be used 4-6 times a day instead of just 2! Hehehe...
And the doc also asked me to continue with artificial tears after 5 days medication. Okay... doc, don’t say I have not crying a lot enough... or, is it maybe because I cried too much, until my tears all dried-out? Hahahaha...
Oh, and he advise that it’s good if I wear eye-moisturizer since the dry eyes will cause irritation too... Hmmm... Amet, can I hv this one? Please??? *Garfield face*
Then nak cerita jugak pasal sakit tekak. Aduihhh sakit lagi! Kesian betul kat diri sendiri nih, asyik terkena mcm2 penyakit lately. Sob sob sob… and setelah I rajin menggoogle, maka dapatlah info ni dari Wiki :
Viral conjunctivitis is often associated with an infection of the upper respiratory tract, a common cold, and/or a sore throat. Its symptoms include excessive watering and itching. The infection usually begins with one eye, but may spread easily to the other.Oooo... mmg ada kaitan rupanya..walaupun pada awalnya, I mmg ada mengagak dan mensuspect bahawa 2 penyakit ini berkaitan since they happened to be on the very same time. Oh, terer rupanya I nih. Hahahaha...
And this sore throat kali ni mmg sakit yg amat sgt perit. Seingat2 I lah, rasanya tak pernah lagi kena sakit tekak yg betul2 sakit mcm ni. Huhuhu...
Tapi Alhamdulillah, yg ni agak cepat sembuh. Lebih kurang DUA MINGGU je.... Hahahah ye, seriously menderita I tell you...
Apa-apa pun, I bersyukur atas nikmat ini. Sakit itu menggugurkan dosa, Insya Allah....