Thursday, August 1, 2013


Last month was Ain Zulaikha’s a.k.a Zuzu’s 6th birthday. As per her request, it was fun-ly celebrated in Best Western Hotel, PD. She was so-o-o excited and thrilled of her birthday this time. She keep telling everybody that her birthday is coming soon, and marking calendar since a month before. Hehehe... Over betul kakak!

Start with a day before...aiyooo ada pre-besday pulak....

 Watching Monsters University midnite show, dgn Nana sekali tp dia layan tido je lebih :)

 Finally, arrived the day she's been waiting for... nak jalan2 & celebrate besday kt hotel!

 Best Western Prima Hotel, PD - apartment type + Water Theme Park.

Bersih :)

 View from our room to the Theme Park.

 Just nice utk family mandi manda - ada kids pool, ada adults pool - Yeaayyyyyy for ibu!!!

 Mandi manda suka suki. Tapi Yaya as always - penakut!

 Nana ni main campak je kat kolam!

 Ok, its the cake time!

Celebrate anak beranak je dalam bilik. Bukannya buat kt Grand ballroom ke apa pun hehehe....

And Ibu’s birthday (nak cerita jugak!) was on last July 13th . we just simply had a berbuka puasa at Secret Recipe je.. Ibu dh tua takkan nk bawak celebrate kt hotel mcm kakak jugak kan... :)

 Eh nampak muda sikit bila Nana tak join hahhahaaha...

Oklah till then. Habis bayar hutang entry besday nih :)

Bye! Selamat Berbuka Puasa!