After dah siap masak & hidang semua, baru ingat nk tengok phone yg letak kat bilik atas. Terkejut baca mesej Pah “My mom has passed away. Pray for her.”
Terus I called her and tanya the details – where we can visit her and so. Thru the phone I can feel that Pah was so in deepest sorrow.... Rasa tak sabar sangat nak pecut pi kat dia time tu.
Just last 2 weeks me & Amet went to visit Aunty Anora at PPUM due to colon cancer. She had an operation during last Ramadhan, then she was OK and boleh balik sambut Hari Raya. But warded again due to some complication. Then after few days, dia dah balik rumah sbb nampak better – dah boleh makan minum etc. Tak sangka in only a week after, aunty sudah dijemput kembali ke Rahmatullah...
For Pah, I always pray for your mom, and for you to be strong dear....
May aunty Anora will be placed in Jannah, insya Allah....