Thursday, January 2, 2014


Alhamdulillah... I'm now back to my home sweetest home :)

Hehehe actually dah more than a week dah balik. Tapi everyday i'm fully occupied with kiddos chores. Huhuhu what can I say.. I'm now a mother of 4 princesses!!!

Okeh nak update sikit je nih sbb today mmg busy gila with Zuzu's first day schooling, and Yaya n Nana n Nini's ragam masing2. Hohohoho I dont hv time to see my face in the mirror!!!

Ok lah, just nk share pics of our latest bundle of joy, Amani Zahirah. And I will updte more soon (I wish i can update everyday)

Tll then. Nini dah jerittttt!!!!