Monday, November 1, 2010


Entri ini adalah memuji anak-anak I sendiri (Suka hati I la ni blog I dan anak2 I). Jangan baca jika takut "berbulu". Hahahaha

You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're
the Apple of my Eye

And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear!

So-o-o cute kan? Especially bila ia dinyanyikan oleh the cutest lips of Zuzu & Yaya.Hehehe...

Zuzu of course can pronounce the words better now, but Yaya....hahhahaha still dgn pelat-pelat dia, habis hancur lagu! Yaya is almost 2 years old, tapi cakap still "tak te-uih" lagi. Yeah it's true of the oldfolks saying "Jangan tanam uri dalam-dalam sangat, nanti anak lambat bercakap".
That is what happen to Yaya :)

However, when it comes to singing, dia lah yg paling sebok sekali "Nak gu...nak gu. Kim! Kim!" (Nak lagu, nak lagu..Akim! Akim!) Bercakap pun x berapa lulus lagi, dah sibuk nak menyanyi! Oh, she can even recite Al-Fatihah too..."Aham...lillah...amiinn.." Boleh la tu kan :)

When people ask me "Tak boring ke duduk kat umah je kat sana?", I dont think "Yes" is an appropriate answer. Eventho I always complaint that this place is full of ridiculousness, but with my two darlings, I always have fun at home!

Ibu : Adik, meh ibu mandikan.

Yaya : Jap..! Jap..! Chu ni..! (Kejap, kejap, tgh minum susu ni..) Marah ibu nampak!!

Ibu : Kakak, meh mandi dulu.

Zuzu : No, no...kakak taknak ibu mandikan. Kakak dh pandai mandi sendiri okeh. Ibu biar kakak mandi sendiri, nak masuk sendiri dalam kolam.

Ibu : Alaa..x payah la..satgi jatuh..

Zuzu : Ibu..pleasseee....bu...

Ibu : careful

Zuzu : Wow! Lovely! ---> Perkatan baru belajar masa tgok Bob the Builder tadi (tak sesuai sayang oi...)

With rumah yg always penuh bersepah dgn toys and cornflakes everywhere, I will never have time to feel bored. Thank you my dear for making ibu always fully occupied :) Walaupun kadang2 rasa x larat (malas to be exact hehehe), tapi kalau x byk keja umah nak buat pun mesti lagi boring kan? I ni takpe, sapu pagi, tengah hari dah sepah balik. Sapu tengah hari, petang sepah balik. Besttt....

And instead of basuh baju 3-4 helai, I have to wash more than 20 pcs, everyday. And I ialah yg x bleh tgok baju anak comot, mesti nak kena tukar. (Sebab anak-anak I pompuan, xleh biar depa selekeh jek nanti terbawak2 sampai besar, ouchhh!!!)

And nowadays, knowing that ibu is no longer going to office, they keep ordering their favorite dishes. Bangun tido jek " Bu, nak sepegeti." "Bu, nak pulut yg makan dgn daging". "Bu, nak kentang yg ada mayonis". Amboihhhh...

And I always try my best not to be online, or put my eye on the laptop while they are awake. My time for blogging, or FBing ialah bila both of them already n the snooze-ville. Bukan apa, I just rasa x sampai hati biar my buah hati main sendirian and I didnt pay attention of what are they doing. Rasa mcm anak-anak terbiar. While I'm happily berinternet-ria.A big NO-NO!

Thanx a bunch to my darling angels, Zuzu & Yaya that always make our home full of laughing, and make my world a little bit better everyday.

I have so much which to be thankful. Thank you Allah, for my lifetime graced with these beautiful gifts...