Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Hehehe if any of you saw my latest status in FB "Less time for FB. Having fun with sumthing else.", let me explain, its not that we already bought the Kinect Xbox or PS3 or any other game-gadget. (We are still discussing the proposal ngeh ngeh... :D)

Well, our current project is this ....

Yup, we are watching slot Lagenda : Siti Kelembai through You Tube. But my very intelligent hero had come out with a sparkling briliant idea to connect the laptop to our tv, so here we go, watching MALAY movies on the tv! Bombastic! Really make us feel like being in Sg. Buloh o-ledi lah!

To make it more cozy, we put the Toto kat depan tv. Amboi.. amboi... pastu masing2 dah jadi sgt liat kalau nk kena bangun to get some drink or even to the loo.

Ibu tetap jugak kena merajinkan diri membuat kudapan utk Sang Dewa Amet dan Tuan-tuan Puteri...

* Resepi boleh tengok kt YOUTUBE ni (hahaha resepi pn pakai youtube jugak!). Lagi best klu ada mesin mcm SINI pulak :D

Even Amet every morning before leaving to work will berpesan "Jgn tengok Siti Kelembai lagi tau, tunggu ayah balik." Hehehe....

Orait ayah. So me, Zuzu n Yaya watch Geng Surau time ayah pi keja... :D

Oh anyway thanks to Kak Shikin yg memberikan sugestion for the movies. For those yang ada ketinggalan menonton the series (ada cerita lain-lain jugak), or for my frens at overseas, bleh lah try search kt YouTube keyword "sashafiqa28". Ada banyak movies yg dia upload, and so far dia punya video sgt clear and tak byk tunggu buffer. Whoever you are sashafiqa, thanks a bunch to u too!

Before this mmg ada downloaded few movies tapi mostly are citer omputih jek. Dapat la tgok Salt, The Social Network and so. Tapi kalau dh namanya melayu tu, mmg lebih sedap lemak berkrim klu dapat tgok citer melayu kan. Walaupun citer melayu selalu dikaitkan dgn adegan2 yg kurang logik, tapi tetap jugak tergedik-gedik nak tengok!

Of course la lebih serasi tgok citer melayu compared to drama arab betoi dak???