Sunday, December 19, 2010


I know that my Amet would give the whole world for me, for Zuzu n Yaya if he could. It's just that sometime, he has to prioritize the important things first. And I truly understand that were not born as anak Dato' (cucu atok ada laa..) or Tan Sri, or being named Tengku *dotdot*. So, living a moderate life, we have to.

And I know, in his mind & heart, he will always try his best to fulfill our dreams...

I sangat terharu sbb I baru jek buat entry about my wishlist tu, and just after 2 days, (dah la tengah2 bulan pulak tu), he make me put a strike on one of my wishes... Seriously, mcm tak percaya.

I thought I will only be able to see this next year in my kitchen....
As per my request : No Kenwood please...Kot-kot takleh bawak balik nanti, naya jek beli mahai2... (Nanti beli kt Malaysia takpa hehehhe)

So, I started my first baking in Saudi - Dark Chocolate Cake. Baked with full of loves n hearts. Feel so good to see my girls (and "boy") lip-smacking :)

Dah siap cake, baking lagi hehehhe. Punya lah gian dah lama tak membaking kan...
So next menu, Chicken Pie.

Alhamdulillah... Syukur ilallah atas segala rezeki n nikmat yg diberikan...

Sekian saja, takleh nak jiwang karat lebih-lebih... my princesses dah bangun and menekan-nekan laptop jugak... OH, they just press "Publish Post". Hehehehe.....