Thursday, February 17, 2011


Woke up this morning and found Yaya' right eye is reddish n a bit swollen. Tapi ibu dh booking bas to the morning coffee. Kalau nk cancel pepagi buta ni, mcm not nice la pulak kan. As the saying goes : manusia berpegang pada janji....

So lepas cuci mata Yaya with clean cotton n warm water, off we go... Actually, ibu was a bit tergedik-gedik nak pi sbb dah lama sgt2 takde gathering n makan2 huhuhu...

See..??? Sampai depan pintu umah pun Ibu tak habis2 bersiap...
Kesian adik dgn mata cheme (loghat perlis = sepet).

Tapi, bila sampai kat Sabic Beach camp tu... waahhhh memang worth it la. Hilang penat melayan adik atas bas tadi bila tengok tempat ni. Ohhh... Lawa gile, x mcm beach camp(s) lain yg selau buat event sebelum nih... (p/s : encik Amet, mcm ni lah rumah idaman saya hauhauhau!)

Hopefully raya tahun ni, KRMJ buat jamuan raya kt sini ye... (eh, nak raya kt sini lagi ke? hehehe)

And Alhamdulillah... dgn mata cheme dia tu, Yaya was still playful. Lari sana-sini, makan teluq xtau berapa bijik, and Zuzu mmg asyik hilang sbb kat luar sana ada palyground. And the best thing is kat sini takdek pasir mcm beach camp lain. Amat bersih n comfortable for the kids to play (and easier for ibu sbb baju seluar tak kotor sgt).

Also there was Kak Tipah, being caring as usual... Kak Tipah was so shocked to see 'her baby' Yaya dgn mata merah mcm tu. She took off Yaya's socks n clothes to check if Yaya got panas dalam or so. Ohh... terharunya... I yg ibunya si Yaya pun tak check2 dia smpai mcm tu. Now really feel that I'm just so bad... sob sob :(
And the kids seemed to be more melekat dgn Auntie Tipah more than ibu. Both kakak n adik asyik dok suruh auntie dukong ja. Even ibu pun rasa mcm nak heret bawak balik jek Kak Tipah ni kt umah hehehe...

Hari ni duduk sebelah Kak Nik (yg comei n best), and Kak Sasha (baru kenal hari ni).

The event is actually to announce the new Jumaanisak committee for 2011. Congratulations to... errr..... I mean to all new AJKs.... sorry, I just cant really recall the names... I was so blur with the announcement, i mean the speaker was not working properly....

OK, Ok, the truth is...because all my senses were sharply focusing on the scrumptious nasi dagang, laksam, cakes and ... oh, so many food!!! They're all so tempting! I looovveee it!!! I cant see anybody else!

* There's email stating the new president's and other committee's name right???