Saturday, February 19, 2011


So winter dh kira habis lah kot kt sini. After almost 4 months bersakit-sakit urat, selsema n sore throat, now feel a bit lega... Cuaca dah kurang sejuk, a little bit warm and just nice especially utk berpiknik! Anyhow, kat dalam umah still tak start on air-cond lagi. Tapi heater mmg dah boleh simpan masuk kotak. Might be able to save some on electricity - great!

Feel more comfortable to wear just T-shirts now ( Very the typical Malay I am heh...very dont like to wear sweaters n socks while menumbuk sambal belacan lah!)

I never thought I will see flowers here. Ye lah masa I baru smpai sini dulu it was so-o dry n hot n everything looks... just... die!!! (Almost including me hahaha)

Last weekend at Fanateer Beach. Tapi masa ni still rasa agak sejuk lagi, but not that freezing anymore. Budak2 pun dah boleh main-main kt playground. It's been a while depa tak main outdoors... Kesian jugak. So weekend tu mmg 2 hari berturut-turut main kt playground jek (walaupun mata adik still mcm penunggu gunung raya....)

Oh pleeaassseeee... No need to call me Angelina Jolie... I really appreciate that, but just... No thanx!!!

What??? I really look like her??? Ooohhhh...........

HAHAHHAHA!!! Sila jangan benci okeh!!!
(Kak ngah, I know you're rolling your eyes n making face to me now.... hahahaha!)

And this one thing - dah lama I nk ambik gambar tapi agak takut2 kot kena serang dgn pak/mak arab. But today I beranikan diri.. penting utk kenangan nih. Khemah ni biasanya dibuat utk melindungi the arab women semasa depa nak makan during picnic. So that they can freely open their niqab n truly enjoy their (big) meals.

Well, now it's the time to send all the jackets n winter coats to laundry and seal it for a while.