Sunday, March 20, 2011


Okeh, sila baca dgn penuh tekun & serius.

I mulakan dgn laporan cuaca. Yes, baru 1-2 minggu lepas I said that the temperature dah warm sikit kan. Tapi sebenarnya, lepas je I tulis entri tu, tetiba cuaca jadik sejuk balik. And it continue sampai today, with unpredictable weathers. Kadang2 it is so-o cold sampai nak kena keluar balik sweater yg dah siap basuh-masuk-almari tuh. But some other times pulak, panas/warm sampai kena bukak aircond (tp bukak slow2 je). And kadang2 hujan, kadang2 angin kuat sangat-sangat-sangat kuat. Its pretty scary, huh.

Yesterday, my sister (Kak Ngah) sms asking me to update on our family situation and status due to not-so-good-arabs-news currently. She is acting as the middle-man (girl) between us here with my parents n tok+wan n pakciks makciks :))

Okeh, sesungguhnya mmg few arab countries like Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Bahrain now are having sort-of "war". And most of it started with protest against the government and so on, then continue with violences, tear gases, and then guns n fire n bombs. And everyday we read n watch (via tv) those people got killed.

Most of arab countries ni selalunya ada 2 jenis kelompok, iaitu (explained in layman term) :

1. Geng sunni (yang berpegang kepada Al-Quran dan Sunnah Rasullullah p.b.u.h)
2. Geng syiah (ni yg ikut imam 12, imam 7 dan apa benda tu lah. nak tulis lebih2 pun I x pandai, takut salah maklumat. so u all cari sendiri ek )

So pergaduhan2 kat sini kebanyakan bermula dgn pengikut2 kedua-dua kumpulan ni lah.

Since my sister (and families) dah tanya keadaan kami kat sini, I would like to say that we are fine, but still worry. Especially about what's happening in Bahrain lah, sebab Bahrain tu just about 2-3 hours jek from Jubail nih.

Sekarang nih, Saudi's police and army semua mmg berjaga dgn ketat, especially dekat boarder to Bahrain. Even Amet's contractors yg from Bahrain pun dah few weeks tak datang sini (they used to ulang-alik everyday Bahrain-Jubail). And kami semua kat Saudi ni sentiasa diingatkan agar cuba menjauhi boarder. So you can imagine the situation lah.

And yesterday, I just watch in Al-Jazeera that the iconic Pearl Roundbout (which is the city landmark) had been demolished. Well, I think that scarying n worrying us enuff....

Pearl Roundbout - Bahrain's most memorable statue.

19 March 2011 - Bahrain demolishes Pearl Roundbout.

Standing statue - all leveled to the ground....

So, families n friends....please please please pray for solace and peace around us. And we really really hope that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will always be an exceptional as it always be.

And to those people and countries affected either by bencana alam or pergaduhan, I also pray to Allah the Most Merciful to save you....May all of you be granted with patience and comfort...

(To Kak Ngah : Hang habaqlah kt tok & wan and orang2 kampong sekalian bahawa kami dalam keadaan yg selamat sejahtera dan sihat walafiat dan jangan lah mereka bermuram durjana, sebaiknya terus mendoakan sahaja kesejahteraan kita semua.)

Oh by the way, if any of u interested to read about other Arab countries situation, boleh baca di SINI ye...
