Thursday, June 30, 2011


I tak tau nak cakap apa. Actually I sgt2 terharu bila ada beberapa org readers yg PM I mintak masukkan semula chatbox tuh. Tapi I always reply as "mintak maaf" and "not now".

Until today, bila I godek-godek account cbox tu, rupa-rupanya ada function where you can block the users by IPs or emails or even names! And you can also put the expiry date, means sampai bila you want to block that user - 1 week, 1 month, 1 year or even never n forever!!! Great job Cbox!!

So, I dah block/ban that user yg I tak suka mencemar kt sini. And I jugak dah delete those messages yg menggelikan itu...

Just click-click here n there and you're done!

So kawan-kawan semua, my cbox is back! Silalah conteng-conteng ye... And thank you for your supports n visits. Love u ollls!!! (Bajet top blogger glamer)

*But not sure lah if this will be really working or not. But I'm sure he's not so terrer to buat kerja2 menggodam nih. Otherwise, I might have to use talian hayat of my IT superhero in the house lah...*