Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Yeppediiyeayyyy!!!! It's my besday!!! It's my besdayyy!!! La la la la ~~~

Ooppppsssssss... mengalahkan Zuzu pulak!

ALHAMDULILLAH.... Syukran Ya Allah.... I've been living for 30 years. 3-0. It's a lot!!!!

Macam tak percaya pun ada. I still feel like I'm living in my teens spirit. Still suka buat lawak bodoh, still suka kacau orang (kacau anak sampai nanges pun okeh..), still melompat meloncat, still suka baca gossip artis... Oh my!!!! Am I really 30 years old??? should I act to be like 30? Hua hua hua...terover poyo la pulak.... Buat biasa dah la kan...

Anyway, of course I will improve myself from day to day. Actually tak payah tunggu besday. Bila dah sedar kekurangan/kesalahan diri, cepat2lah perbaiki... (mode : insaf seketika sob sob..)

Yes, through all these years memang dah macam2 dugaan yang I tempuhi. Alhamdulillah Allah tetap memberikan I kekuatan walaupun kadangkala problem2 tu semua nampak macam tiada penghujungnya. Only Allah knows I've been through all of that.

Thank you to mak & ayah yg telah melahirkan, dan membesarkan anakmu ini...

Thank you to my husband, Amet for always complaining here n there so that I've to improve a lot :)

Thank you to my precious darlings Zuzu & Yaya for having your arms wrapped around me every morning... (I love it!)

Thank you to all siblings, families and friends to be with me all the time...

I'm still learning, and still trying to be the person I want to be...

Eh, hari besday pun nak tunjuk kuih jugak?

Hehehe.... ni last week punya. Baru nak tayang...Lagipun dah besaq panjang mcm ni tak dapat kek besday dah. Hua hua hua..!