We were having our dinner last night when Zuzu came and told us "Alamak gelang kakak takde la!!" Our talk and laugh stopped immediately.
We have tried our best to find it. Now it's the time to leave it to Allah. He's the one who pour us with the rezeki. And He might take it back whenever He wants. We should take it as a reminder to muhasabah ourselves...
I still cari n cari, until Zuzu said "Ibu, kakak tengok muka ibu dah penat dah. Ibu tak payah cari dah, biar kakak je cari. Lagipun tu gelang kakak." Oh dear.... you sounds so caring... It melts (half of) my worries away....
We have tried our best to find it. Now it's the time to leave it to Allah. He's the one who pour us with the rezeki. And He might take it back whenever He wants. We should take it as a reminder to muhasabah ourselves...
I still cari n cari, until Zuzu said "Ibu, kakak tengok muka ibu dah penat dah. Ibu tak payah cari dah, biar kakak je cari. Lagipun tu gelang kakak." Oh dear.... you sounds so caring... It melts (half of) my worries away....
If still tak jumpa, we should just be redha to let it go... that will make thing less painful, isn't it?
** Munching & Searching**