Friday, July 5, 2013


Hai semua... tenggelam timbul sungguh tuan blog ni ye.. Huhuhu masa skrg amat-amat sgt mencemburui ku...

Baiklah tanpa membuang masa, I would like to update on Amet first. Yeah it has been almost 1 month since he starts working in NEW workplace. New position, new company, new environment, yet still the same field lah – IT, network and blablabla related – that I will never ever understand for my whole life. Hahahaha... (Eh but still, i m listening with fully-understood-face when he’s telling me problem with his millions servers, racks or firewall blablabla hehehehe...)

And Alhamdulillah, the location is nearer to our house. But the traffic is still about the same lah – talking about KL/Selangor road kan... except u work in an ‘ulu’ place like mine lah, there is less jammed, but the distance.... sabar je lah... :(
(* Eh, i use so many “lah” la today...)

The company is an Europe-based, quite well-known among the O&G (Oil & Gas) / Chemicals players. Luckily he‘s based for Asia-Pacific branch. If not jadi mek saleh la I skrg huahuahua.... Cehhh!!! Stop dreaming lah! Hahaha...

Well, we still LOVE Malaysia very muccchhhh!!!!! (PM, give me BR1M for this year ya... hahahaha)

OK lah tu saja..apa2 pun my prayers is always with him. I wish you a great success all the time, in your job, in your life dunia & akhirat... Find barakah in the rezeki, Insya Allah we will live happily ever after... Amin...

• Oh anyway, Mr. Amet, I just would like you to know that my company is one of your main client (we use lot of materials from yours!), and we might have given quite a big contribution on your profits every year... So... I guess a 10% share on your annual bonus is just a small amount to share with me.... Isn't it? Hahahahaahaha...

Docs viewed from my workstation as a proof.... :))