Sunday, December 12, 2010


I tak pernah lagi cerita about our hospital or medical experience here kan. Ok let me start now.

Okeh yg ni kami pi for our medical check-up utk dapatkan family iqamah. Overall oklah sbb dia just ambik blood and x-ray. Tak byk sgt pengalaman sini. Cuma nak katanya, nampak belengas semacam jek...

2) Pharmacies (AD-DAWAA and others).
Okeh actually I nak focus on few stories je. Dah banyak kali pi farmasi kt sini. Tapi yg paling menarik, masa kami nak carikan DHA supplement for the kids. Since susu Nido yg disukai oleh Zuzu Yaya tu xdek DHA, so we were looking for DHA supplement. Selalunya kat Malaysia ada banyak sgt and very easily available and it just sold as OTC (over-the-counter) product. (Selingan : And me, was one of the R&D yg develop DHA Chewable Tablet for kids (jenama dirahsiakan utk keselamatan diri dan syarikat) suatu masa dulu :))

Tapi malangnya, kat sini all the pharmacies mcm blur giler bila tanya bout DHA. even bila tanya for fish oil pun mcm tak pernah kedengaran kat telinga depa. End up, we decided to discontinue mencari. What we can do, just give more fish in the kids' diet and almonds and honey. That's it.

Oh satu lagi, ada sekali tu we ask for syringe utk mudahkan suap ubat kat anak-anak. So, tengoklah apa dia bagi.....

Hahhaha...ingat I nak cucuk ubat oral kt tangan anak2 I ke? Lawak betoi....

Ini hospital swasta. So we really hope dia akan bagi treatment yg amat memuaskan hati. We went there masa Yaya demam. Dapat doctor Philipine. Actually, hari tu was the first day Yaya demam. But the doctor still insist nak buat urine test sbb nak cek is she's into thyroid. Ya la.... kalau lah Yaya tu dh demam for few days, for weeks ke then only I will agree la kan. Ini demam baru satu hari dah nak sample urine. Apa tak belajar hypothesis ke doc nih?

Dah la masa register dah kena bayar, masa nak pi lab kena bayar lagi. But then lepas dapat botol sample, we decided to balik umah jek. Lagipun mana la budak kecik tu mau nak kencing dalam botol tu. They should give another sample container for baby yg selalunya lekat kt dalam pampers tu! Ohhh... so mmg kami balik tanpa dapat apa2 ubat pun. Nasib baik after 2 days, Yaya dah baik. Alhamdulilah...

Ok we just went there last 3 days and last night :) Hehehe... sounds like the hospital is so attractive, heh. Last 3 days was for Yaya and Amet. Yaya had batuk-batuk with phlegm. Since dah banyak hari bg ubat batuk tp tak baik-baik so i guess maybe she needs antibiotic then. So Yaya was treated by the paed yg agak memuaskan hati I, Dr. Abdullah.

Haa...ubat2 cik Yaya. Nasib baik 2 je yg kena suap. Susah gile nak bagi cik Yaya ni mkn ubat...

And Amet pulak was seeing the dermatologist sbb his skin has become too sensitive to the weather. And they took his blood sample. And he's so happy that he has to come to the hospital again on Monday for the results :) Hehehe...

Zuzu yg x sakit buat2 sakit, Ayah buat loghat. Adik yg betoi2 sakit, membuas...

And last night was for me to see the dentist. I was hit with awful sakit gigi since last few days (I think it has been more than a week!). And I try nak ignore, but I took painkiller everyday. Until yesterday, found mysef in so much horrendous pain, I ask Amet to bring me to the doctor.Th problem is, sakitnya ialah sampai ke bhgian muka, mata dan kepala! Tu yg buat I betul2 tak tahan.

And, I am a person who really hate to see dentist, as they always make my jaws painful, even more painful than the tooth - when they say "Bukakk muluttt!!! Bukak luas-luasss!!!" I hate that.
But last night, the dentist was so soft-spoken, so beautiful some more, make me feel relieved. And she start everything with "Bismillah..." Despite the fact that she cant speak english very well (lucky we have the nurse who translated evrything between me-dentist), i feel satisfied with the services here :)

So we choose to make Al-Lulu as our feveret :) Walaupun agak jauh sikit dari rumah, but we had a great hospital experience here (at least better than other hospitals we've tried in Jubail la..). After-all, the cost are fully paid by the company hehehehe...