Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Today, I pergi Firestar and Pn.Kamariah mintak I isikan borang permohonan visa, borang medical check-up.

Dia jugak suruh I terus pergi buat medical check-up. I mean, buat appointment dululah, not pergi terus masa-masa tu jugak…hehehhe…and she suggest Tawakkal Hospital (banyak lagi list hospital lain yg involve, tp yg lain mcm byk songel skt).

E-pin? Ohhh…takpe takpe..itu x payah tunggu dapat dulu. Just pergi buat check-up, and bgtau jek hospital tu yg I will bring the e-pin masa I dtg ambik result nanti. So while she’s applying for the e-pin, I plak dh buat check-up and tunggu result. So both go concurrently. And bila dpt e-pin, result pun dh sama-sama ready. So fast n effective huh?

Then docs lain yg I submit masa kt Firestar ialah :

1. Original passport (me & anak-anak)

2. Original marriage cert

3. Photostat copy of birth certs (anak-anak)

4. Visa photos-background putih (me & anak-anak)

Oh selain tu, I jugak tanyakan procedure to bring my mother in-law (MIL) bersama-sama ke sana. But she will just need to apply for “Visiting Visa” and not “resident visa” mcm kami nih. And to apply for visit visa, Amet has to apply for “White Slip” plak kat Saudi Kayan.oooo…mcm tu ke…


Dokumen yg diperlukan

1. Original paspot

2. Visa photo (background putih)

3. White Slip (Amet has to apply at Saudi Kayan and send to Malaysia)

4. Photocopy of birth cert (Amet punya)

So itu sajalah. Oh tentang fee plak, you all bleh call dia utk quotation J