Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Sorry, but at times I do feel that it’s quite hard and tough and exhausting to handle these 2 little handful girls. Huhuhu… so bad I have that feeling huh?

Well, actually tak lah banyak sgt benda yg depa makes me mad. Its just that I have to sapu tumpahan makanan each time depa makan, which means 5-6 times a day je. Better, if the tumpahan is oily or melekit so I just need to mop the floor. Very simple, rite?

Other things I have to do is just mengemas the toys well, maybe 10 times daily, only. Asking them to do it is just make me sakit tekak (even now my voice is already parau due to non-stop talking and berleter).

Yaya, the one who really loves drawing and writing – do that on walls and floors and ibu is always there to clean it. Don’t worry dear! Keep up ur good work! And she loves to read the flash cards herself too, so setakat bersepah penuh hall tu..small matter jeh sayang…

Zuzu, nowadays that she’s getting taller she can reach almost everything on the kitchen cabinet. Since she’s still sampai-tak berapa sampai- height, sumtime also spill the air asam, santan, or gravy on the floor. But hey, its ok hunney, ibu mmg takde keja lain… buat lagi yeee….

And maybe sbb rasa sunyi, or xdek kawan2 mcm kat babysitter dulu, they keep on following me wherever I go. To the kitchen, sidai kain, or be it to the loo. Bila ibu nak cepat, contoh : air dlm washing machine penuh and api atas dapur nak kena tutup, ibu will accidently melanggar depa and they will cry and ibu will have to stop doing all the tasks and calm them down first, ( which usually end up with makan ice-cream, or chocolate) or otherwise mmg tak bleh buat keja langsung.

And semalam, both of them happily memunggah kain baju yg I dah lipat. Peeenuuuhhhhhhh selerak satu bilik….and actually, masa I masuk bilik tu, I baru je lepas habis mengemop satu rumah sbb cik Zuzu dh muntah sambil berlari dari hall ke toilet! Owh owh owh!!! Now, tell me, how can I say that is not tiring? Sob sob sob L

But…thinking deeply, I am the one who asked for the child and Allah granted. Then why shuld I question it back now? Forgive me.

Bila fikir balik, all this while I’ve sent them to babysitter and I just take care of them at night which is just about 4-5 hours, and then they fall asleep. Itupun x tolak masa I masak kt dapur, or watching tv. So berapa jam sgt I spend time with them masa I keja dulu? That time, I was so badly wish that I always have more n more time for them.

Dan sebenarnya, kalau I renung betul-betul, di sebalik kepenatan n keletihan tu, there is always the moment of happiness and joy…just now, when Zuzu and Yaya were mandi-manda in the bath tub,depa menjerit-jerit tak hingat and bising giler mcm dah tak mandi setahun. So I pun datang nak marah. However, bila Zuzu said “ Ibu..ibu tengok kakak jadi puyong…” and dia buat posing ala-ala duyong berehat kat batu gitu…Hahhahaha….it makes me really laugh sampai terkeluar air mata…(puyong means duyung, anyway).

And now Yaya can also speaks, but of course in her pelat. And its only ibu who really understand what she says. So ibu is also a translator when Yaya is talking to ayah :)

And she got a new habit now.

Yaya : Bu…nak wah tan… (Ibu, nk buah rambutan – actually semua buah dia pangil buah rambutan)

Ibu : Buah dh finish..nanti ayah belikan lagi…

Yaya : Haaa? Haaa? Haaa? Haaa? (Buat2 tak dengar kalau benda yg dia tak suka dengar)

Hmmmm…isn’t that enough to make yue thankful of what yue have now? Yue shuld be gratefull with all the tiny, meaningful things yue have in life, because not everybody have the chance to have what yue have now….