Saturday, October 30, 2010


I never thought buying shoes in Saudi (to be accurate : Jubail / Khobar) can be so tough like this.
Yeah, we spent 7 hours yesterday just for shoes. Memang itu niat utama outing semalam.

And the problem is, I just brought one flat, one sport shoes, and one selipar jepun from Malaysia. Since berada kat sini, nak ke mana-mana pun, I akan sarungkan the only one flat tu, sampai now, dah nak hancur pun. Kesian.

So, getting a new pair of shoes is crucial for me (hehehe...good reason heh!).

Jalan sana, jalan sini. Habis satu mall yg besar giler tu round, and make another round, still tak dapat kasut yg sesuai. Sebab sini, most of the design and size are too big. And ugly.Even yg imported shoes pun, they just take the arabian-favourite punya stocks.

The Clarks "Silver Ash" that always menjelma dalam mimpiku...tapi takde pulak kt sini...adehh..

Clarks pulak are too much expensive compared to Malaysia. And they just have very minimum choices of women shoes. And I was looking for wedges, so lagi lah x banyak choice. Yg banyak ialah design ala-ala Lord of the Ring dgn tali terbelit-belit sana sini tuh. Ouchhh!

Ada jugak Nose (Made in Malaysia!). Nose shoes are always gorgeous, but comfy wise : No-No.
I need comfort wedges sbb we almost spend like the whole day jalan-jalan during weekends. And I dont want blisters on my everyday-lotion-treated heels :))

Dah penat sgt meronda, we stop for a quick dinner at Romano's. I read somewhere that the waiter will write his name on the table (lining with A3 paper), so you just call his name when you need something.

So bila I nampak the paper-lining on the table, it's the showing-off time to Amet!!! Yeehaaaa!!!

Me : Abg, satgi kan, org tu akan tulis nama dia atas meja nih.

Amet : Ceh, tipulah. Pandai-pandai ja.Mana ada.

Me : Ok, just wait and see...*excited face*

The waiter came, and bring together colourful crayons, and gave them to Zuzu & Yaya. The girls terus jek conteng atas meja tuh. How nice! Oh ok, how about his name?

Yeahhhh!!! He write his name too!!!
Yahoooo...satu-kosong!!! (Me and Amet always suka lawan nak tunjuk pandai, if one of us get to know sumthing special, that we know the other half dont know bout it heh!)

So we keep on calling him "Thom, one plain water please!" and "Thom, my kids spilt the juice, please wipe" and "Thom, please take our picture!" Hehehehe...

The Pizza-'s so Italian, tak pedas. Tak berapa masuk dgn taste bud makcik ni...

Zuzu's all time favorite - sepegetie

Lepas makan, sambung jalan-jalan cari kasut lagi. Dan lagi. Next shop. Another one.

So, finally what did I buy?


Yeah not even one shoes after 7 hours. Instead, dapat sakit kaki + sakit lutut + sakit pinggang sbb jalan banyak sangat.

And the kids....Kena dera berjalan banyak dgn ibu hehhehe...

Talking bout shoes, I am NOT a VERY HUGE fan of shoes. Well...i just have...urmm you know...maybe hundred (plus plus) pairs of shoes back in my house in KL (sebab yg dh rosak pun I tetap simpan jugak, that's why banyak hehehe). *Oh, may my shoessss rest in peace in the boxes dalam store now* Sob sob sob. I really miss to change shoes everyday like I used to do...