Frankly speaking, I'm getting more confuse in raising kids all by myself. Suddenly I realize that parenting is the most complex task. Even dulu I manage berbelas-belas org staff dgn perangai gila-gila remaja dan macam-macam hal, tapi tak lah sepening dan sekonpius ini.
Actually, I bukan nak marah kat Zuzu or Yaya, but all on myself. I dont know if I am raising them in a good way, or not. Kadang2 I rasa macam I banyak sangat marah-marah depa. Kadang-kadang pulak I rasa I terlalu manjakan depa.
Usually kalau I marah pun, mmg with intend to make them more discipline. Contoh : kemas mainan, makan kt dapur, this thing tak boleh keluarkan dari bilik and so on. Mula-mula cakap mmg I boleh cakap elok-elok, lembut2. Tapi kalau dah banyak kali cakap, tak dengar memang lah kena jerkah sikit bg rasa takut, betul tak? Bukan I hentam terus jerkah. Betul kan cara I buat tu? Ke mmg tak boleh jerit2 langsung?
Allah knows I always try so hard to be the best n the most patient mother that I can be, but sometimes I also crack when I'm so lost n tired.
I read PARENTING ALA RASULULLAH SAW :- that for kids of 0-7 years old, kena ajar dgn cara lemah lembut dan tidak berkasar. Sedikit petikan :
When his son climbing his back while he is doing his sujud, he stays sujud until his son satisfied playing on his back, then he get up from his sujud. That’s how Rasulullah teach you to raise your kids.Kalau I nih, budak-budak dok mai selak telekung, dalam hati mendidih dah (Ibu siap solat satgi, siap hangpa!) Teruk kan? Very very very too far away from Rasulullah's way :'(
One thing that I recently discussed with Amet ialah we should divide tasks. Meaning if Amet "marah" than I will be the one who explain why ayah marah, the reasons and consequences if they still do wrongs. Then they will know that they were not getting scolded for no reasons, or because ibu n ayah tak sayang or so.
I also read (somewhere, lupa plak nak copy link) that to raise a happy child (for 0-4 years old) is by "melayan" them playing. And "playing" here doesnt mean bermain dgn mainan, sebaliknya melayan mereka dgn minat yang mereka suka.
Contoh : Kalau dia suka conteng, layan jek dia conteng. And parents have to JOIN them, and bukannya "Okeh... kakak pi tulis2 kat sana, ibu nak FB" (OMG!!! I always did that!!! ) Dengan itu they will get the "inner happiness" which is the best tool to help their brains berkembang pesat a.k.a jadi bijak!

So, pendek kata nak dapat anak happy & bijak :
- Jangan terlalu banyak sangat jerkah/marah (kerana ini membantutkan perkembangan otak mereka) *sikit2 xpa la...*
- Join their activties a.k.a layan mereka sepenuh hati
- Ingat, the happiest thing for them is you (the parents!) *terharunyaa..:( *
After all... I always think that "This is the family under construction" isn't it? Heheheh....