Thursday is one of my favourite days because it means weekend here. Not that I can take a rest from kitchen duty (instead, being even more busy than the weekdays). I just love when everybody is at home... (Hehehe...mcm lah anak2 belajar jauh or tinggal kt asrama kan :D).
Well, the part that I love most on weekend is when we can enjoy breakfast together-gether. Eventho most of the time, the breakfast will only turn to be brunch (sebab susah giler nak kejut ahli-ahli yg lain. Gggrrrrr!!!!)
For last thurday's

(Notice the tablecloth and cute bowls? Yeah it's new! Hahahaha)
Tapi, alangkah lebih indah, jika bangun pagi dan pergi tapau nasik lemak sambal sotong kat gerai depan rumah kan? Sob sob sob....semuanya hanya kenangan dan angan-angan ohhh...

Resepinya as simple as a mix of butter, sugar, eggs and flour. But the special part is the "butter" used. Ermmm... I dont want to mention the butter's brand, sbb takut nanti ada org cakap I dok promote barang tak halal (Sebab ada isu sikit kt Malaysia, pandai-pandailah u all research ek). So if any of you want to try, just find a "pure cream" butter, yg u all tahu statusnye okeh.

[Okeh, takat tu je yg sempat autosaved. Tak larat la nak repeat balik cerita. Insya Allah esok kalau rajin, I updet cerita yg best. Yang ni sempat tayang makanan jek...Thanks for reading, nak tido dah pukul 12.15 pagi...]