Monday, August 1, 2011


Alhamdulillah, bertemu lagi dengan Ramadhan untuk tahun ini...

Today I nak story sedikit sebanyak experience berpuasa dan menghadapi Ramadhan di sini.

During Ramadhan, I can say that almost all Saudis will turn to be nocturnal (and expats pun terikut jugak lah). The nights will be more lively than the days. Office hour starts at 10 a.m. (normally starts at 7.30 a.m) and ends at 4 p.m.
Menurut maklumat dari informer saya, encik Amet lagi, beliau berkata bahawa bagi Non-Muslim staffs, the working hours will stay normal. And they are allowed to bring their own food (tapau) utk makan kat cafe. Cafe is not selling food, but drinking water is provided.

Most of the shops will only open at late afternoon (usually after 4 p.m) and will close back at about 6 p.m until after terawikh. Then, they will open back until about 2 a.m. Hmmm...that sounds great kan? Hehehe.... shopping at tengah-tengah malam, best!

I've experienced it last year masa nak beli barang2 for Hari Raya. We were out to the shops at 10 p.m. and I asyik tanya Amet "Eh, sempat ke nak beli barang ni? Kan dah lewat? Satgi elok smpai jek kedai tutup?" And Amet keep on convincing me "Tak tutup lagi la.... dont worry..." Unbelievable, they were so-o-o many people macam pesta smpai lah kedai tutup at about 2 a.m!
Then balik rumah terus siap-siap utk sahur dan Subuh :)

One more interesting scene is that the dental clinics will also open at night until 2-3 am as well since patients tak boleh nak dapatkan rawatan during daytime due to fasting. Menarik kan?

Then, after solat Subuh, semuanya akan kembali senyap, sunyi dan sepi. Semua orang akan sleep, sleep, sleep.............

Time Iftar kat sini is around 6.30 pm, and Imsak pulak 3. 40 am (lebih kurang)

Oklah next time, I will write about the terawikh here. A little bit different from what we practice in Malaysia, yet it's a privilege for me to be able to experience it :)

Ok kawan-kawan, may you have a blessed Ramadhan this year!

Lunch for today... Ehhh!!!!!