Sunday, October 17, 2010


Why i didnt write for quite some time? what do i do?

Do i wake up late every morning? Nope. after kissing Amet gudbye to work, i will pergi sambung tido dgn anak-anak stay awake.

Then? what do i do? why dont i blogging while the kids are still snoozing soundly?

well well well. I am a FULL TIME housewife. full time means, my time is full. i have to basuh baju, sapu sampah, mop lantai, ketuk carpet, cuci pinggan, kemas dapur, prepare breakfast bla bla bla...

okay...but I have like...ermmm...10 hours everyday. Amet go to work at 7 a.m and come back at 5p.m. so anything else i do sampai takdek masa updet blog?

Yess...i do have many other things to do. facebooking, blog-hopping (it's more fun reading others' than updating mine heh!), Oh, and Amet also give me homeworks to do - search for interesting places to go and the co-cordinates. which always end up of me googling on how to wear Arab shawls, make-ups in Saudi, and other girls-ladies-thingy hehheehe... so that makes my time FULL.

and dont forget that i have TWO active, handful girls that i have to take care of.

Scene 1

Ibu is cooking. Heating oil in the pan.

Zuzu : Ibu, kakak nak kencing.

Ibu : Haa..cepat cepat! Lari pi toilet. satgi tercicir kat sini pulak!
Bring her to toilet. have to wait n wash for her.

Yaya : Bu..nak cing (suka meniru)
Terus dia bukak pampers sendiri. Rupa-rupanya ada pulak "isi".Dah...siap bertaburan atas lantai.

Ibu : ADIKKKK!!!! Wait wait adik. Dont move!!!! Berdiri kat situ!!! Jgn pijak!!!

Oh oh oh!!! Minyak ibu hangit atas dapur!!!!!!!!! Run. Tutup api dapur dulu.

Come back. Adik is already happily memijak-mijak isi pampers. Orait, fine. Have a good day!!!

Isnt that enuff to show how a FULL TIME house wife, and a mother of two fill up her time?