Monday, October 18, 2010


I'm not sure if I am still in excited mood, or not. Actually, the excitement has fade away after being a penunggu bukit hijau waiting for the car since last month.

Biasalah style pak Arab nih cakap, tak habis-habis dgn "Insya Allah" kat mulut. Tapi...never ever believe in what they say.NEVER. The salesman promised us we can get the car paling lewat pun dalam seminggu after submitting all the documents.

After seminggu - Oh the banker ada masalah and bla bla. Cannot be contacted bla bla. Changed banker in charge bla bla.

After 2 minggu - Oh its the bank-approval problem (says the salesman). Oh it's the Mitsubishi stock problem (says the banker). F*** you! (Sorry)

After 3 minggu - O the car is ready, but the plate number is still in process. The banker (again!?!) is very busy, cannot go to *JPJ* (ntah dept apa diorang panggl kt sini,lantak kau lah), he got no time.

After 4 minggu (Day 1) - OK the car is ready. Amet go to pick-up.Oh the banker is on the way with the plate number.Waiting for few HOURS. Where is the banker? Oh he got accident on the way from Dammam. What the H**l!

(Day 2) - Amet BBM me : Abg balik terus hari nih, malas dh nak pikiaq pasal kereta tu.
Then another BBM : Abg balik lewat sikit. ada keja opis. maybe AFTER Isyak. (As far as I know, tak pernah dia kena OT sampai lepas Isyak :))

Then.....I started smelling sumthing fishy...*BIG GRIN*

I replied BBM : Hmmmm...ok lah...I cook gulai ikan, balik makan nanti ok...(Mcm frust la. Konon) Hehhehee

17 OCTOBER 2010, 8.30 p.m. Amet come back home

Amet : Assalamualaikum....Jom!!!! Siap semua!!! Naik kereta baru!!!! (Showing off his keyless car key)

Me : *Gasp*(Konon) Betoi ka? Ni mesti kunci saja ni....kereta mesti kat kedai lagi ni....

So lepas makan dinner, we SERIOUSLY riding the white, Mitsubishi Lancer GT. Alhamdulillah. Finally, I AM seating inside it.

Pesanan penaja to those yg nak beli kereta kat Saudi nih : Harap bersabar. Tu je lah....